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2023-2024 Annual Michigan Ross DEI Awards- Call For Nominations

Date: April 29, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm
DEI Awards,

The Ross Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, in collaboration with the Dean’s Office and the Ross Faculty and Staff DEI committees, is pleased to announce the fourth annual Ross DEI Awards. The Ross DEI awards celebrate and honor research and impact related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The awards include up to two research awards for faculty, one PhD student research award, one undergraduate senior thesis award, the J. Frank Yates Diversity and Inclusion Teaching Excellence award, and the Ross Staff DEI Impact award.  

The awards will be presented at the Annual DEI Awards event on April 29, 2024. The awardees will be asked to present brief presentations of their work.

Faculty Research Awards ($5,000)

The Faculty Research Award recognizes outstanding research by Ross faculty in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Nomination letters by faculty should be submitted to Katelynn Lockhart via email (kslockha@umich.edu) by March 7, 2024. Self-nominations are allowed. A specific research paper (complete working paper or publication accepted on or after Jan. 1, 2023) must accompany the nomination letter.

PhD Student Research Award ($3,000)

The PhD Student Research Award recognizes outstanding research by a doctoral student in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Nomination letters by advisors should be submitted to Katelynn Lockhart via email (kslockha@umich.edu) by March 7, 2024. A specific research paper (complete working paper or publication accepted on or after Jan. 1, 2023) must accompany the nomination letter.

BBA Senior Thesis Award ($1,000)

The BBA Senior Thesis Award recognizes outstanding research as part of completion of the BBA senior thesis.

Nominations by advisors must include an extended abstract of the BBA thesis. Nominations should be submitted to Katelynn Lockhart via email (kslockha@umich.edu) by March 24, 2024.

J. Frank Yates Diversity and Inclusion Teaching Excellence Award ($5,000)

The J. Frank Yates Diversity and Inclusion Teaching Excellence Award recognizes a member of the Ross teaching faculty who demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion and makes a significant positive impact on learning by students.  Faculty who, through their teaching and mentoring activities, make important contributions to the climate of inclusion at Ross, foster awareness about diversity issues, incorporate inclusive practices in their own teaching, and promote the use of such practices throughout the school. Nominations are accepted from all current members of the Ross community, including students, staff, and faculty.  Self-nominations are also accepted. Please complete the nomination form by March 7, 2024.

Ross Staff DEI Impact Award ($3,000)

The Ross Staff DEI Impact Award recognizes a Ross staff member who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in a given community. Nominations are accepted from all current members of the Ross community, including students, staff, and faculty. Self-nominations are also accepted. Please complete the nomination form by March 7, 2024.